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Chapter 2. A Reality TV Show

There is an awakening that happens when you choose to pray more often, rather than watch television. You won't recognize it for a while. It takes time. It takes persistence, and it takes correct prayer (prayer that does not give credence to appearances). But it is of tremendous value, excitement far better than the best action show on TV or in the movies. This prayer stuff does not leave you numb and aching like too much TV or movies do, after vegetating for hours.

All your thoughts carry weight and most certainly will affect your prayers. I hope to convince you that God's immense creativity has not been tapped by you yet. When it is, you will be very pleasantly surprised. TV and movies will not hold a candle to your new life, in the Lord, because He will be taking you on the most exciting REAL journey you've ever been on.

We have a whole world filled with diverse and unusual things going on that attract us. The world draws our attention and influences our minds, (therefore the world affects our thoughts and prayers) and it won't let go. First one thing attracts us, then another, in a never-ending array of sparkling and fascinating things. We are dazzled and deceived, as make-believe and fantasy become fact in our minds. Then we can become disillusioned with it all.

Did you know we can convince ourselves that something is true (even if it isn't)? Our attention and belief is a nebulous thing. It bends like light through a prism, and focuses only on one thing at a time. Strangely, we can believe contradictory things at different times. We can believe, on Sunday that we must love our neighbors, but on Monday, we might gossip about them, curse them, or shun them. How can we let our whole mind in on the truth that Jesus' commands are what we want to do? We are creatures who are easily swayed and influenced. Therefore we should consider what we allow to persuade us. Is it worthwhile? Does it focus on mammon or God? If our mind is affected by the things we feed it, what should we feed it? Our government is conceding that trans fats are hazardous to our physical health, to the point that they are taking extreme measures to see that we don't eat it. Shouldn't we consider that there are things we feed our minds that are hazardous to our spiritual, mental and emotional health?

I was a fan of quiz shows. Quiz shows test our knowledge in earthly things. All wisdom is not found in earthly things, though. True wisdom is that which comes from God and His word. That is the wisdom that will truly benefit us all. Few of us can even appear on, much less win a quiz show. But God's wisdom will bless all of our lives. God is more than willing to give you direction, thereby fulfilling your deepest heart's desire to follow His will and not your own. The world is confusing with its messages and prods you to reach for the first thing that's shiny for you. But that isn't what you REALLY want, is it? You really want to do God's will for you. Your life can have a significant purpose. Is there something God wants you to do that might not be on your list of things that seem to matter more to you right now? How can you know God's will for you?

How about this for a reality TV show? Let's call it "Knowing God's Will." The audience would be ushered to their seats as the contestant sat in his prayer chair, eyes closed, asking God with all of his heart, what might be God's will for his life. Can you see the audience now, as the camera pans from side to side? There they are, sitting on their chairs in the auditorium, leaning forward, slightly, in anticipation of what will be revealed.

One or two hours a day, a contestant sits on the prayer couch in front of this vast studio and television audience, eyes closed, praying fervently to the Lord, asking what His will is for his life. As the worldly muck and mire is slowly moved over by the contestant's determined focus on the Lord's promises, found in the Word, a door opens slightly in his mind. This particular contestant has been back every day for a few weeks. Something is starting to happen in his mind and heart. He feels the comforting love of the Holy Spirit come over him as he recognizes his God is all he wants, all he needs, all he seeks. He is reminded that he must:

Mat 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. (MKJV)
He remembers, too, that the kingdom of God is within him. The audience, which has been so patient (for patience is required to those who write in for tickets to THIS show), is suddenly moved by the tears they see flowing down the cheeks of this contestant. They know he is receiving his answer from God, he is receiving his purpose, God's will for him, and they can see he has successfully allowed God's Spirit to move the mountains of garbage that has occupied his mind and heart for so long—since he was born, actually.

After weeks, maybe months of constant daily prayer, seeking first the kingdom, a shaft of God's light has broken through the refuse in his mind and heart, revealing to him, his purpose.

The audience gasps as this person's eyes flash open. His smile reveals that the Lord has answered his prayer. The audience applauds, and then gives the Lord a standing ovation as the camera pans back. Shouts of, "Praise the Lord" and "What a mighty and awesome God we have" are heard behind the theme music playing as a credit begins to roll on the screen that says, "We thank our wonderful God for this program."

Well, this probably wouldn't make it as a reality show of much interest, would it? It lacks the glamour, it lacks the excitement, and it lacks the worldly goals which the world imparts to all of its children: The world says, "Find out more about me, Me, ME!" With this show, however, the focus is inner, not outer. Unfortunately, no camera can pan the mind and heart, allowing everyone to share in the excitement of God's movement within a contrite and humble spirit. Though it is the most exciting thing happening on this planet, no news organization can share it—God's magnitude and glory cannot be photographed as He is moving in someone's contrite heart and mind. The difference between the Before-Prayer times and After-Prayer times is not recognizable by any of the media today. But, in your own heart and spirit, when you take regular time to pray, you are tapping into God's storehouse, you are reaching up to God and, glory of glories, He is reaching down to you—giving you all the wisdom, care and guidance you need—right now! Isn't that incredible! And yet, you'll never see this on TV—not on the news, not on Reality TV, and, sadly, there will not be a question asked about it on any quiz show.

The time spent bringing the mind into a focus on the Lord and building a desire to know Him IS valuable. It is time spent the way it is supposed to be spent. It is time spent that leads OUT of this world, rather than allowing us to be sucked more deeply into it. We should be curious about God. Enough so that the time spent in effective prayer, is allowed to have its fruition.

There is dullness, an extreme denseness, which covers the earth. This denseness blankets the earth imparting to everyone a desire to know the world, instead of God. But God calls each of us from this giant television, that we sit and stare at all day (known as the world). For the world IS a huge television screen, beckoning us to buy cold medicines, new cars, soft drinks, cleaning products, deodorant and beer. Is there something more for we children of our most high God? Can we spend our time in more fruitful ways?

In this world, it is not possible to have a reality TV show, because only God's truth is Reality and God's truth is not welcome in this world. This world is in its last days.

It is merely an illusion conjured up by Satan, the chief magician and organizer for this planet, since the fall. This world is nothing but a temporal and fleeting place in which we come for some testing, before we scatter to our eternal homes in heaven or hell. I implore you, Do Not turn on the TV for Reality Shows because they aren't there. The truth is they are "appearances" shows. Instead, go to Jesus and spend that time in prayer so you might get free of the grip this world has on you, and receive an inspiring, uplifting dose of God's Reality, which is the only Reality there is.

Once this is done, you'll never desire the world's version of a Reality TV show again.


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