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Chapter 26

A Supernatural Selection

If the theory of natural selection and evolution were true, what causes the selection to get better? If it is the animal that makes a better choice, which leads to a better gene pool, what inspires the animal to make that better choice? Itself? Or could it be that God, the creator, inspires the creative choices that lead animals to better their gene pools? I believe all animals, all life, are the moved, and God is the Mover. I believe this world and the universe are all the created, and God is the Creator. But, I want to continue that line of thought and questioning about natural selection to the scientific atheists out there:

Is this improvement in the gene pool caused by conscious decisions of the individual creatures or is the whole thing an unconscious process? This is important because if it is an unconscious process, you might have to agree with me that God would be the mover in His creations, causing the improvements. However, if these improvements are consciously made by the creatures, then I would say God is the underlying inspiration for them, but you might say the creatures are moving themselves into an improved position in the gene pool. What do you think? Which might it be, if it is any of them? It is true that there are a lot of things that happen unconsciously. Our hearts beat without our having to be in charge, we digest food without being aware of it, but, in breathing, we can take charge of it. However, we can be unaware of it also (such as when we are sleeping) and still we breathe. So, is natural selection one of those things that just happens, but we are unaware of it, like our heart beating and our digestion? To me, when I am unaware of something, it seems out of my control. Is the natural selection process out of our control? If so, who is in control of it?

Probably 95% of the human race believes in God. Of all the many religions upon the face of this earth, only one religion is true, because all beliefs cannot be true and have truth mean anything. The one true religion is Christianity because God, as Jesus Christ, personally paid us a visit, fulfilling all of the prophesies written in the Old Testament concerning a Messiah that was to come. We Christians did not make Him up, nor did we make up the conditions under which He came. This was all orchestrated by God.

Christians believe in Christ's Second Coming. Jesus will return, leading the saints home to heaven because this earth is a temporary dwelling place for all of us. Time will come to an end (our watches will no longer be of any use) and eternity will begin when Jesus returns, passing judgment on us all. He will separate the wheat from the chaff and the unredeemed wicked will be cast into the fiery furnace forever.

The Bible says that God finds us. That He is knocking on the door of our hearts, pursuing us constantly. He is sometimes called the Hound of heaven. We, however, seem to find Him when we open that door to our hearts to Him and He instantly comes in to dwell in us, by our faith. It's almost as if He was always there, waiting for our decision. Our choosing to open that door is necessary. It looks, in the scheme of things, that we selected Him, when in fact, He always has selected us. It is He who improves our gene pool, if you want to put it that way. He is ready to recruit you into His service, giving you a deep joy and purpose. Just open the door. Will you be a supernatural selection of Jesus', and open the door of your heart or will you keep the door to your heart closed and locked, becoming a natural selection of Satan's? Despite all the other things in this world that keep you occupied, this is the primary question that needs to be answered. Will you open the door to your heart and allow Him, who has been pursuing you, to come in and show you His holiness?

God may be encouraging us to make the next natural selection for humanity (which is a supernatural selection). If you decided improving the gene pool was a conscious decision while reading the first two paragraphs above, then it follows that a conscious decision needs to be made now for Christ. We must receive our Holy Savior into our hearts, into our minds, and allow Him to cleanse us of all our inbred and present sin, or risk being tossed into hell, with no chance of participating in any supernatural gene pool, available to the human race. We have a choice to allow God's holiness to become ours. Is this even possible? Praise God, with Him all things are possible! The Word says in Hebrews that without holiness, we shall not see God.

As God prepares us for the great final harvest of souls, is it possible the next great choice that humanity has to make is accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior and allowing His holiness to be our own? As much as this is distasteful to those who proclaim self-sufficiency, we really can't make it on our own. Jesus has asked us all to make a supernatural selection. We are to allow Him to be our Lord and Savior, recognizing we need salvation from our pride, our inbred sins and our current sins. Sincere and heartfelt repentance of all sins, coupled with belief that Jesus Christ removes this infestation from our hearts, leads to a new heart, a new joyful spirit, and a renewed mind. Are you making the right choice to allow Jesus in? Are you making this supernatural selection? Are you doing your part to improve the "gene pool" by your willingness to allow God's holiness, through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pervade your heart, mind, and soul? Or are you…

2Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (MKJV)
If not for yourself, you owe it to the next generation to help make it easier for them to choose Christ. Quit resisting the wonderful change in our gene pool, in which we can become living examples of Christ's love, shining His light in the dark crevasses of this world.


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