Show Notes for Episode 45

Let's Break Some Laws
By Vic Zarley

I'm feeling lawless today.
The law of gravity irritates me and makes me want to be free of it
Free to jump
With no sad whump
Back to earth
Free to float in the air at the kick of my feet
Free to dance to the moon and back with nothing to stop me,
slow me down, or speed me up
Actually, I don't think gravity should be a law. It's not fair.
Laws are for the civil and I'm feeling uncivil at the moment
Let's make the law of gravity a suggestion instead of it being so coercive
Let's vote. You know where I stand.
Because of gravity, right here.

I'm getting pretty tired of centrifugal force as well
Why does it make me leave the center of the circle I'm traveling in?
Why does it make me depart OUT instead of go into the circle I'm flying around?
Let's vote.
I say if we spin something one way, it goes out but if we spin it the other way, it goes in.
I know, I know, you're thinking, “If David were left handed, he might have hit himself with his slung stone instead
of Goliath.”
But all in all it would be fair, wouldn't it?
I mean, to be able to adjust these physical laws at our whim and will
I mean, what could it hurt? We do it all the time with OUR laws
I'm feeling lawless today, how about you?

Let's break some laws, come on now
Let's break some laws, come on now
Let's break some laws, come on now
Let's break some laws,
Oh, no
Let's not!

Seems Nobody Wants to
by Vic and Eva Zarley

It seems nobody wants to walk like Jesus no more
It seems nobody wants to walk like Jesus no more
People living so selfishly
Judging one another, endlessly
They don't want to love one another no more

It seems nobody wants to talk like Jesus no more
It seems nobody wants to talk like Jesus no more
Throwin' curses like dynamite
Let me tell ya that it just ain't right
Folks don't want to bless each other no more

It seems nobody wants to act like Jesus no more
It seems nobody wants to act like Jesus no more
They don't want to have a cross to bear
They're always cryin' how life ain't fair
None here that's willin' to suffer no more

It seems nobody wants to love like Jesus no more
It seems nobody wants to love like Jesus no more
They don't give out water and bread
They got no mercy for the walkin' dead
Got no compassion for sinners no more

It seems nobody wants to pray to Jesus no more
It seems nobody wants to pray to Jesus no more
People busy as they can be
How's a spirit gonna get set free
Nobody got time for the Savior no more

Don't be weary, get on your knees
Follow Jesus or your heart will freeze
Let's not be grievin' God's Spirit no more