Show Notes for Episode 25
The teaching for today is from my book, The Opening Window. It is entitled, "Waging War in the Flesh."

Until No One Remains in Hell by Vic Zarley

When Christ has become our Savior, He removes our sin and guilt. When He does this, they are gone. They, then, don't exist anymore. Once our sin and guilt are removed by Christ, we begin to see the world in a different light, God's light. We begin to care more for others, as God cared for us by sending His Son, Jesus.

See the sin, see the guilt?
Oh, how it seems that we have built
A place where we can build false worlds
Where our thoughts only are unfurled
And they exist as if they were
Reality--and I am sure
Those thoughts we force upon this earth
Have the power to give birth
To sad realities we've built
See the sin, see the guilt?

And so we stop and look around
Beneath our sordid world abounds
The Spirit, God, and all things that
Are in our sight--magician's hat
We pull a thought from deep inside
Our separateness and then we cry
And as we cry, we make it real
And truth becomes yet more concealed
But what just is, from deep, abounds
And so we stop and look around

And in our stillness, there is Jesus
We're lights of His, that's how He sees us
He cares for, holds and sustains us
As we come to Him in growing trust
We're His children, His sparks of life
Igniting truth in earth's cold strife
Igniting love in hate's cold stare
Not bound at all, God's everywhere
And what we are is how He sees us
For in our stillness, there is Jesus

All this is true but we say when
We'll let relinquishment begin
For God will never force His Will
Upon the ones He's loving still
For though were thinking differently
The truth is there for us to see
And though we struggle and we fight
We're only out to prove we're right
But only truth is true, so when
Will relinquishment begin?

Oh, Holy Spirit, take from us
All that halts our growing trust
Jesus, let not one small trace
Remain to hide Your glorious face
We pledge to now withhold no part
Take our lives, our thoughts, our hearts
Erase all shadows we may cast
Erase all but Your light that lasts
Until in You we only dwell
And we perceive no one in hell

Until in You we only dwell
And not one child remains in hell

Lest there be any misunderstanding, this poem does not presume to ignore the Biblical truth that some will not enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact, some will be thrown into the lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. However, a Christian should never hope to see any soul wind up there. A Christian should pray and weep and plead for every soul they meet. A pure heart should long, just like the Father that none should perish but all should have eternal life. This poem is such a prayer.

Love Each Other by Vic & Eva Zarley

Love each other, love each other,
That's what we're called to do
Love each other, Love each other,
That's all God asks of you (Chorus)

Judge not, repent

Show love, forgive,
Have mercy and YOU won't sin
There is no law against these things.

Help your neighbor, help your neighbor,
That's what we're called to do
Help your neighbor, help your neighbor,
That's all God asks of you (Chorus)

Walk in peace, walk in peace,
That's what we're called to do
Walk in peace, walk in peace,
That's all God asks of you (Chorus)

Spread His joy, spread His joy,
That's what we're called to do
Spread His joy, spread His joy,
That's all God asks of you (Chorus)