Show Notes for Episode 10

Praise Ditty by Vic and Eva Zarley

Praises to the living God
He is mighty, full of glory
Praise His name and give Him honor
He is worthy

Let us bless Him with thanksgiving
For the joy of our salvation
Magnify His name with endless praise

Holy, Holy
Give Him glory
He is worthy

Holy, Holy
Give Him honor
Let us magnify His name

(Sing through 3 times. During the 2nd time, do instrumental instead of sing the verse)

In the early part of our marriage, I bought a book at the library in Corydon, IN, the nearest "big" city where we lived, for 10 cents. It was a Merlin Carothers book on the power of praise. We "ate it up" so to speak and not too long after that, Eva was blessed with a rush of words and melody all at once.

Give Praise to God by Eva Zarley

For the brilliance of a flower's hue, give praise to God
For the freshness of the early dew, give praise to God
When the sunshine is upon your face
And a cool breeze blesses you with grace
All the earth seems a lovely place, give praise to God

He knows what will work out best and the outcome of every test
You may feel cursed or you may feel blessed,
But it all works for your good
Whether in the dark or in the light
He makes everything turn out all right
We can't change a thing in our own might
So let's trust Him as we should
Rejoice-- for He does all things well!

For the burning pain of fire's flame, give praise to God
For the need to call on Jesus' name, give praise to God
When injustice steals your hope of gain
And there seems to be no quenching rain
All the world gives is endless pain, give praise to God (Chorus)

For the things that you are going through, give praise to God
For the sorrow and the joy in you, give praise to God
Let our God be ever thanked and praised
Never fail to let your voice be raised
In the end you will stand amazed, give praise to God (Chorus)